Axé Família!
The movement *AQUILOMBOLAR* is based on two main objectives: one is to raise funds in order to secure the existence of the academy and its social projects; and to support Capoeira mestras and mestres whose work stagnated due to the pandemic; the other is to thrive in the worldwide exchange of knowledge.
Our generation lives by the easy access to technology which also enables us to support others.
Today this support is mostly understood as funding the pre-existing; but also to share and therefore increase our own knowledge.
_The tutors are professionals from different schools and capoeira directions. They will share their thoughts, concepts and methods with us._
“`This is the reason why this event is perfect for all capoeiristas who enjoy learning new things and who want to increase their experiences with Capoeira.“`
*Together we will build movements and sequences, followed by a discussion of the goals and functions of those. We will learn different aspects of expression: bodily through movement, musically through the assembly of the bateria, and historically through the songs.*

O *AQUILOMBOLAR* têm como objetivo além de arrecadar dinheiro para manter o projeto/Academia que tenho em São Paulo e auxiliar Mestres e Mestras da Capoeiragem que tiveram suas rendas paralisadas pela pandemia, o encontro possibilita a troca de conhecimentos á Capoeiristas de diferentes partes do mundo, sendo a nova geração com maior acesso tecnológico e facilidade ao manuseio, fomentando o devido apoio até que diminua a necessidade do mesmo .
_Os ministrantes das aulas são Profissionais de diferentes escolas, linhagens de Capoeira e especialidades que entregam aos participantes suas formas e conceitos de raciocínios e metodologias,_ “`é um evento perfeito para Capoeiristas que gostam de aprender e vivenciar novas experiências!“`
*Promovemos reflexões, debates e estudos nas construções dos movimentos corpóreos, instrumentações e baterias,cânticos e formas de expressões da Capoeiragem !*
Gratitude / Gratidão !
Gugu Quilombola
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